Customized spray bottles and natural spritzer
I went to Wal-Mart and found these cute little spray bottles for 50 cents a piece. Perfect for gifting home made air freshener/cleaners or perfume spray. I took some scrap paper and left over stickers and decorated each one, so when I fill it with whatever, all I need to do is print a label and viola! Done.
Rebecca Lea G. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 23 Nov 19:00
autumn rose l. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 13 Aug 22:12
Kendell V. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 25 Jul 02:43
Calah L. added Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes to GIFTS 25 Jan 04:05
esther s. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 29 Dec 20:49
rachel d. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 13 Jan 00:47
jwuluvsyou added Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes to Sustainablility 05 Dec 04:32
renae.terwisscha favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 01 Nov 09:34
Nicky Frazier N. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 27 Aug 20:12
SilverSnake S. favorited Spray Bottles With Smell Good Recipes 08 Aug 23:02
Step 1
1/4 cup vodka
2 tablespoons witch hazel
15 drops lavender essential oil (not fragrance oil)
5 drops lemon essential oilCombine all ingredients in a bottle and shake before using.
Step 2
1 cup vodka
1 cup rose water
6 tablespoons sweet almond oil
2 teaspoons jojoba oilMix everything in a bowl, then place in spray bottle--shake before use.
Step 3
10 drops penny royal
10 drops eucalyptus
20 drops citronella oil
15 drops cedar wood oil
1 teaspoon jojoba oilPut in spray bottle and shake well before use, spay exposed areas of skin. This also can be sprayed on carpets to repel fleas- always check for colorfastness before use.
Step 4
Essential or fragrance oil of your choosing
Water.Mix well, shake before each use and spray.
Step 5
Juice of 1 lemon
2 cups club soda
1/2 teaspoon peppermint essential oil
1 teaspoon cornstarchMix well and pour into spray bottle. This even keeps flies (or those satanic lady beetles) from landing on your windows and leaving spots.
You can buy essential oils at your local health food store (we now have one!!!), you can always buy the cheapest vodka there is for these recipes, and most everything else should be in your kitchen :) Have fun!
well...to be honest id drink that one...
CO + K User
I found a couple more alternatives:
1 pint white vinegar
2 cups chopped natural petals or leaves (sage, yarrow, lemon balm etc.)
In a sauce pan, bring the vinegar to a boil and add the chopped petals or leaves. Remove from heat and transfer to a large covered container and let it steep 2 weeks. Strain through a coffee filter into bottle of choice.
Note: This goes back to the tea idea. I think they chose vinegar because it is shelf stable and you can keep it longer than if you just used tea and water. You can also boil the herbs and make a facial steam by draping a towel over your head and holding your face over the steam rising from the pot.
As for essential oils, I think as long as you actually have the food grade natural essential oil, it will be okay on your skin. Just make sure you DO NOT use fragrance oil. It's a completely different thing.