Quick and Chaotic
A quick and easy shirt done with some acrylic and a stencil
I started by spray painting on the stencil, then splattered acrylic paint all over it, then i went back over the design with acrylic.
the back says "The Music, If you can call it that, physically assaults anyone dumb enough to listen"
(and yes the misspellings are intentional :3)
kirsten b. favorited Splatter T Shirt 22 Aug 03:43
yunasy favorited Splatter T Shirt 03 Aug 21:54
Kayla G. favorited Splatter T Shirt 25 Feb 00:40
ravengirl2626 favorited Splatter T Shirt 24 Nov 02:09
You Will Need
PnkPanther posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Darling Chelsea
Belmont, North Carolina, US
54 projects
I must say that I REALLY like this!

Temerin, Vojvodina, RS
208 projects