Cute and artistic nail tutorial
Ok, so first I want to say, before I did sparkly pink nail polish on top, my nails looked 5 times better, so if I was you, don't be stupid like I was and put glitter over the top. If you are gonna do a top coat- go clear.
Lara favorited Splatter Nails 17 Aug 01:15
Step 1
STEP ONE: Gather your supplies. You will need: White, clear and read nail polish, drinking straw, masking tape and a newspaper surface.
Step 2
Step two: Do a base coat if you normally do a base coat, I don't, I don't feel the need to. Then do a few coats of white nail polish, so you have a nice white base.
Step 3
Step three: Now is the time to get your masking tap ready if you want it, to keep you less messy. Cut four skinny strips for each finger (40 total) and place them around each nail. On top and on the sides. Lay your newspaper down.
Step 4
Step four: So hopefully your white nail polish is dry by now. And you have your tape on and newspaper down for less mess. Cut your straw down to about five inches. I used a coffee stirring straw because it is skinnier. Dip the straw into the the nail polish bottle. One the straw is down there, place your finger firmly on top of the straw. Don't remove the straw or your finger until after reading the next step--
Step 5
Step five: Once you are ready, and are in newspaper-zone Put one finger a few inches above the newspaper. Remove your straw from the bottle but not your finger from the straw. Quickly let the biggest drip you are going to get off the straw fall onto the paper. Then immediately after that (make sure the straw has a nice film of polish) take the straw a few inches from your finger and (don't inhale into the straw) and blow onto your finger. Try not to get any big drips onto your fingers- and Don't blow to hard or nothing will get onto your fingers (ha ha)
Step 6
Step six: After you have done a finger, remove the tap so that any drips on that don't fall onto your nails. Do the same steps on all of your nails and once dry apply a clear coat for protection (and remember to NOT DO THE GLITTER, IT LOOKS PRETTY BAD!)