bike inner tube & spikes => bracelet
I bought spikes from Bologna, 'cause I wanted to make a gift for my friend. This is how the bracelet turned out. It was pretty easy to make, so hope the how-to is of some help :)
Bloodyhiccup added Spike Bracelet to Rubber 01 May 07:55
You Will Need
Step 3
Cut the tube in the shape you want your bracelet to be. I prefer to cut with a knife, because then the sides are even.
Make the holes in the bracelet.
The ones in the middle are for the spikes. The ones on the right side to close your bracelet. The hole left, well you'll see in the next step.

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
like that you have used the inner tube its looking sooo awesome tough and cool!!! thanks for the great tute and sharing;-D