Oooo sparkley!
Props to my mom for thinking this up and roping me into doing this project with her!
I didn't take pictures because it was really messy- glitter every where!
So the pictures in the how to are NOT mine (I'll give links when needed).
If you have any questions, just message me :)
Alissa B. favorited Sparkley Organic Holiday Ornaments 18 Jan 20:22
Jessica A. favorited Sparkley Organic Holiday Ornaments 11 Jul 23:49
eFenuska added Sparkley Organic Holiday Ornaments to Celebration 05 May 18:56
Step 1
(This photo is not mine, the photo can be found here http://www.seenobjects.org/images/mediumlarge/2005-08-23-winter-fruit-plane-tree-seed-pod.jpg)
Dry out your seed pods. When you first find them, they will be a lovely light green and very plump. I left mine in a dish for about two weeks, until they were all brittle and dried out.
Step 2
Shake the pods vigorously. They hold a LOT of seeds, so shake, shake away. Try to get them as empty as possible, as you don't want them to fall out later.
Step 3
(Image not mine, can be found here http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2670/4103107098_281685309b.jpg)
Grab your glitter. We used Martha Stewart Glitter, one course and two fine grade. The variation in coarseness looks more like snow, and its puuuurdy. No, in all actuality, the mixture of the different textures looks very nice. You also can do various colors. We only had white, so that is what we used.
Step 4
Grab your glue and water it down so it is very thin.
Step 5
Use the paint brush to paint the glue onto the pods, covering it completely. Shake off excess glue.
(My mom and I did do one with thicker glue and it came out nice too. Looks like big puffs of snow. We just preferred the starker, skinnier spikes of the pods with a layer of glitter ^^)
Step 6
Shake one or more glitters over the glue-y (but not drippy!) pod. Be careful to separate the glitters, so you can reuse them!
We did a few with one glitter, two glitters, and all three. Each one came out different.
Step 7
Set them on paper to dry over night. You might want to shake off the excess glitter after the glue has dried , depending on what you plan to use them for.
Step 8
And your done!
We put ours in a clear glass bowl and it looks very festive.
You could also sting them up and hang them from your tree. Very organic looking :)
You could also tie them onto gifts for that extra "something."
Happy crafting :)