Based on Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant by madd::sunshine
A pendant as delicate as fairy bones (with minor changes)!
I really, really love the concept of this pendant, but I wanted to make a more subdued piece of jewelry without the trouble of finding glitter all over my shirt!
So I took a small plastic skeleton, took off his ribcage and covered it using glitter paint. I wanted it to be very sparkly so I put at least 4 coats, plus coat of clear varnish to finish everything.
The result is very, very light, so it really feels like wearing dried bones, and it is probably as fragile, so be careful with your fairy ribcage!
Belynda C. commented on Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 02 Aug 21:19
Belynda C. favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 25 Mar 03:19
HylianWriter534 favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 31 Oct 23:16
Broken Bownes favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 27 Oct 22:20
Bofoofer favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 27 Oct 15:45
Lauren W. favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 26 Oct 22:02
Miss Stripes favorited her project Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 25 Oct 03:03
Caitlin favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 24 Oct 23:48
Bat Ma'am favorited Sparkle Rib Cage Pendant 24 Oct 17:22
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Miss Stripes posted this project as a creation without steps
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