sock platypus
Okay, so you have to understand that I was going for the cartoony looking platypus lol. He was the first one I've made, so I was making it up as I was making the tutorial.
Elena B. added Sock Platypus Thingy to sock toys 30 Mar 22:40
You Will Need
Step 6
Now for that strip of fabric leftover from the tail section. Fold into fourths, and cut accordingly. Then fold each piece inside out and draw your foot design on each piece. (I only did two toes because I'm lazy today) Sew up the side, across the top, and back down the other side. Flip right side out and sew shut.
I live in Australia and I have actually seen one in real life and it was amazing ! I also got a toy from the gift shop ... but lets say he's resting in pieces after my new puppy got to it a few years ago!
Will be making this !
it looks like perry the platypus from phineas and ferb
platypi rule. =]