The second plush i made...
I was intrested in sock animals and found one on crafster i think... I don't have the link anymore so i've this is your idea i give you credit for it. It's the second plush i made.
Key West Witch favorited Sock Kitty 28 Jun 21:28
Despina V. favorited Sock Kitty 27 Apr 13:21
lind.merritt favorited Sock Kitty 30 Mar 07:52
You Will Need
VictorianStar posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Andrea R.
Brilliant!! Thought the ginger puss was my cat Munch for a min!! lol

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
cute and your cat too.LOL

Shawinigan, Quebec, CA
64 projects
so cute!! <3