healthy hand made soap
This soap is prepared from a soap base. It is better to use a German one or an English one. You will need several small enamel dishes to melt soap base and different silicon cupcake molds to pour liquid soap to harden.
- orenintre favorited Soap Dishes 29 Sep 11:19
Step 1
1. Cut soap base into pieces
2. Put pieces into an enamel dish and melt it on a boiling water bath
3. When the base is liquid add several drops of any vegetable oil (better olive or any other good for skin)
4. Add a desirable certified food color or any natural color and stir for the liquid to be coloured steadily
5. Take off the bath cool down to 50 degrees Celcigrade and add 2-3 drops of desired volatile oil
6. Pour a coloured parfumed liquid soap into silicon cupcake molds. you may use layers of different colours.
7. Put the molds into a fridge and let a soap harden.
8. take a soap out of a mold and enjoy a healthy hand made product for your hands, body and feet!