So, so easy, I promise.
I ate too many carbs last night and now I have diarrhea and so this was as ambitious as I wanted to get. Deal.
There is a free printable, though. You're welcome.
- 106697_2F2015-01-08-184245-snowflake-printable.pdf 651 KB [ Download ]
Aro Sh commented on Snowflake Window Clings 28 Feb 22:41
Pintester published her project Snowflake Window Clings 08 Jan 18:38
You Will Need
Step 4
Attach them to the window with a dot of hot glue.
I had visions of hot glue cracking my cold window glass. (Try claiming that on your homeowner’s insurance.) But I pressed on because that’s what I'm all about: damaging my health and livelihood for people on the Internet I’ve never met. Ahhn.
To my surprise, they stuck really well with just one tiny dot of hot glue, and I only burned the crap out of one finger. (I didn’t want that fingerprint anyway.)
Plus the dog (who is still wearing a cone because of recent surgery) was really happy that I opened the curtain so she could bark her face off at the neighbors.
Gonna try it with other shapes