
I usually burn the loose herbs in a shell but I think I'll try making a stick now. =) Thanks!
Tip to 1st timers: Remember to especially get the smoke into all the little dark nooks and crannies of your home and open ALL the windows so the energy baddies (and extra smoke) can get out! I like to actually picture them leaving. It helps! hehe
marley · 3 projects
Do you mean Salvia?
Yes is dont think you should sue that...
Kim B.
Kim B.
DANGER -- WARNING -- Please be aware that ordinary Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis) is NOT suitable for smudging. The smoke is very toxic. You must only use the White Sage that is native to the Western US. You should check on smoke toxicity of any herb that you consider smudging with. I would stick with the well known, traditional ones: White Sage, Sweetgrass, Mugwort.
JONI · 75 projects
What kind of herb is in step 5 ? Tongue
Sheila Squirrel
Sheila Squirrel
Merry meet and happy smudging. I have a broom made of fallen hawthorn twigs hanging in my hall upside down as a sign of welcome. I dressed it with a few dried flowers and yellow ribbon. It was for our hand fasting and I did jump over it...LOL Blessings and thanks for your tutorial
marley · 3 projects
Oh you just light it, and brush the smoke around. you usually need to relight it a bit, usually theres a small flame on the stick but all you can see is the smoke coming from it. Happy if you have more questions message me!
joana j.
joana j.
wow this coo, but up top i saw you set it on fire. when you smudge the house do you do it with the bundle on fire or can it just be the herbs wrapped
Lady Grim
Lady Grim · Whigham, Georgia, US · 5 projects
U can also use cedar "dust" by putting it across door ways and windows to keep out bad energy, also my people hang wight feathers from their main entrance door as a sign of hospitality. Happy
marley · 3 projects
yes, you can make one out of rosemary, and Lady Leore makes a good point that you should know what the herb does before you use it Happy
Lady Grim
Lady Grim · Whigham, Georgia, US · 5 projects
I like the way you make yours.
Though just to let you and everyone else know (and yes I'm Native American)
NEVER use sage with sweet grass. Sage cleanses and sweet grass attracts, just a little bit of advice.
Ariel Greenwood
Ariel Greenwood · Lake Elsinore, California, US · 108 projects
Just gave my last one away to my shaman in training friend. Can I make them using rosemary?
Kirky · Sparta, Tennessee, US · 16 projects
Interesting! I'll have to read up on this
*Witchy Rachie*
*Witchy Rachie* · Holon, IL · 70 projects
cool! Happy