This little monster is about to go to bed :)
Little Archibald is about to go to bed, as soon as he finishes this last cup of tea. He's wearing fluffy bunny slippers and is holding his favourite pink mug. He also has Humphrey, his beloved, sharp-toothed teddy bear, with him. Archibald is made of dark blue polar fleece, with white felt used for his teeth. His ears are made from strips of dark blue polar fleece and white felt which has been painted with acrylic paints. His eyes are black felt, while his mug is from pink felt. His slippers are made from fluffy fabric, felt and black seed beads.
Jessica A. favorited Sleepy Archibald 10 Jun 08:30
Andrea K. favorited Sleepy Archibald 19 Jan 10:56
Victorian Dreamer favorited Sleepy Archibald 12 Jul 10:11
Lauren entered her project Sleepy Archibald to Me Make Monster! 01 Dec 13:06
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