Can't find the perfect mirror? MAKE IT!
I could not find a mirror for my bathroom remodel. After a visit to "HoLoDepot" (Home Depot/Lowes - I always mix them up.) I saw inexpensive small tiles in a 8x8" square and (SHAZAM!) I realized I could make my mirror. This was my very first tile project and I'm thrilled with the results.
Pictures just do not do this justice. The tiles really glow! I am actively searching for yard sale and thrift store mirrors to make more of these. Great fun!
Thanks for checking it out.
Angela W. favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 09 Aug 07:22
Rebecca M. favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 05 Jan 17:08
Monica D. favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 18 Dec 13:28
sbazany favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 30 May 19:46
Ravens Trove entered their project Simple Tiled Mirror to Cherry Walls 15 Jan 16:50
MultiMamiO'1 favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 19 Apr 03:51
Ravens Trove favorited their project Simple Tiled Mirror 08 Apr 21:18
- Geni Greenhill favorited Simple Tiled Mirror 04 Apr 06:07
Ravens Trove entered their project Simple Tiled Mirror to Dremel Multi-Tool Contest 04 Apr 02:27
Step 2
Cut and lay out your tiles. I cut mine from the larger square into 9 piece squares. Layout is important so you can space the tiles and don't end up with 1/2" of mirror exposed where the tiles end.
After laying them out, apply silicone to the backs of the tiles and glue to mirror. Use spacers to keep it all straight. Let dry overnight.