Can't find your scrunchie? Make one!
I tie my hair back a lot. As Violet Baudelaire once put it, you can't let something trivial like hair distract you from your thoughts. But, I lose them a lot. So I thought I'd make my own.
The best thing about this is you can pretty much use any fabric - it doesn't have to be expensive, and I suggest raiding the offcuts bins at your local fabric store. I found a piece of fabric for £1.50 that's made 8 scrunchies. Elastic isn't expensive, either, and you don't need that much for this project.
You don't need a sewing machine for this - it can be done by hand, too. :)
IDreamOfArizona favorited Simple Scrunchie 15 May 11:55
Nikia N. favorited Simple Scrunchie 09 Nov 21:40
Sandra B. favorited Simple Scrunchie 31 Jul 04:49
Princess0708 favorited Simple Scrunchie 21 Jul 13:19
silentband favorited Simple Scrunchie 19 Jul 04:42
vaneeee o. favorited Simple Scrunchie 14 Jul 18:53
dankpizza favorited Simple Scrunchie 01 Jul 16:55
tigerpin favorited Simple Scrunchie 18 Jun 04:09
stephanie favorited Simple Scrunchie 17 Jun 10:54