It can't get any easier
All you need for this is a portion of bubble wrap and two tacks! Just pin the top two corners of the bubble wrap to a surface that sticks out (I used part of a shelf) and arrange your earrings nicely.
You Will Need
Sarah O. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Tucson, Arizona, US
4 projects
its too bad...i could never do that. i would wake up in the middle of the night and be like "feel URGE to POP!!" XD

Wellington, Wellington, NZ
6 projects
yeah, i put the bubble wrap inside a frame and now, thank goodness, i no longer need to untangle the dangly earrings!

Perth, Western Australia, AU
14 projects
you could maybe even stick the bubbl wrap inside an empty photo frame!

Jenny Bones
Michigan, Indiana, US
12 projects
Ooh! Very nice!

it looks cute..very Go-Go era!