Wedding Jewelry
A gorgeous piece for a wedding, this is made up of floral branches wrapped around a tiara and pearl flowers. The tiara has a gold or silver tiara band, as rose gold bands are not currently available to purchase. On most tiaras the band doesn’t show, so it shouldn’t matter if the color does not quite match the decoration.
© 2025 Sian Hamilton / GMC Publications · Reproduced with permission. · Wedding Jewelry by Sian Hamilton, published by GMC (£14.99, available from www.thegmcgroup.com)
Luna D. favorited Side Tiara 25 Apr 06:42
Leonor R. favorited Side Tiara 08 Oct 15:45
Meredith A. added Side Tiara to Miss Piggy's Bedroom 15 Sep 00:37
Callie added Side Tiara to MiniMoon 19 Mar 16:44
Charlotte S. added Side Tiara to Spring tutorials 24 Jan 13:43
CraftyCat added Side Tiara to Crafts 18 Oct 07:04
CraftyCat favorited Side Tiara 18 Oct 07:04
Kimya J. favorited Side Tiara 06 Jun 01:04
matthew t. favorited Side Tiara 31 May 08:27
mmotse03 favorited Side Tiara 23 May 04:18
You Will Need
Step 1
Make eight floral branches, four using only 3mm pink pearls and the other four using a combination of seed beads. Make two branches with two pink five-bead seed bead flowers and one frosted flower in the middle. Make two more branches reversed, so they have two frosted flowers with a central pink flower. Add each branch to a leaf and wrap the wire ends around the base of the leaf above the loop. Add a 4mm pearl on one wire end and push both wire ends through the loop on the leaf.
Step 3
Pick up the tiara band and manipulate it into a comfortable shape. Start to add the leaf floral branches to the tiara band. This is a side tiara design so should sit to one side of the band. Work from the center of the band down toward one end. To wrap a branch, place the branch against the side of the tiara band with the wire ends either side of the band. Wrap both wire ends around the band a few times. Leave the ends on for the moment. Add another branch facing in the opposite direction and wrap around the tiara band.
Step 4
Add another four branches so you have three on each side of the band. Wrap them so that they sit evenly on the band. Add the final two branches, one on each end. This time place them centrally on the tiara band, not to one side. Check the placement of all the branches and that they are secure. When you are happy with the arrangement, cut off all the excess wire ends.
Step 8
Make three pearl flowers; two flowers should have a 6mm pink pearl center and 4mm powder almond pearls around the edge. The other flower has 10 frosted pink seed beads around the edge and a 6mm powder almond pearl in the middle. Wire-wrap these to the tiara band inside the design, so they sit in the middle. The two matching flowers go at either end with the seed bead flower in the center.
Step 10
Add the floral branch next to the seed bead flower. Make curves in all the twisted stems on the pearl flowers. Have a final play with the arrangement before cutting off any excess wire ends. To finish, make sure all wire ends are tucked in tightly against the tiara band so they don’t snag your hair. Run your fingers over the inside of the tiara band and add superglue to any wires that still feel a bit sharp.