An easy-peasy, shrinky dink ring. Kawaii onigiri (cute riceball) style! :D
I have really thin fingers and the rings in the stores never fit. Then, I found tons of pictures of these kinds of shrinky dink rings and I though I'd try it myself.
This one was just a practice one, but surprisingly it turned out great! I like wearing it on my thumb; that way you can see all the cute onigiri. :)
Sandra C. added Shrinky Dink Ring to Anells 07 Sep 21:04
Valerie B. favorited Shrinky Dink Ring 20 Jan 02:50
Susie M. added Shrinky Dink Ring to Shrink Plastic 14 Jan 20:51
ThatLittleWhiteRabbit favorited Shrinky Dink Ring 14 Apr 22:42
arcadethumbs favorited Shrinky Dink Ring 02 Jan 08:44
Krystal C. favorited Shrinky Dink Ring 09 Nov 05:48
Evelyn W. favorited Shrinky Dink Ring 29 Jul 15:31
too bad the shrink plastic is so expensive in my country