A cute, cheap swallow necklace
I made this necklace of a cute little swallow by tracing the image that I wanted onto shrink plastic and then making little dots of color with permanent markers. I attached some jump rings, chain, and a clasp and now I love my new necklace. :D
Atomiller favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 26 Oct 19:42
mmotse03 favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 29 May 16:29
eFenuska added Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace to Jewelry and Accessories 02 May 15:05
eFenuska added Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace to Really Must have 02 May 15:05
eFenuska favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 02 May 15:05
Syeyon K. commented on Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 06 Apr 02:18
IrisMakesStuff favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 15 Feb 02:41
Nyteshade favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 20 Dec 19:57
Laura H. favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 24 Nov 12:39
MOTOX favorited Shrink Plastic Swallow Necklace 27 Oct 17:18
You Will Need
Sarie posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
jump rings and such after it was shrunk?
Any tips? I used black shrink plastic and red, blue and green sharpies. I coloured in the rough side of the plastic but they are very dull, dark colours (you can hardly make them out at all). Thanks for any advice you can offer xx