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Made with recycled plastic! Embellished with rhinestones!
I got this idea from a Micheal's Craft Store ad I saw in a magazine. I'm not sure what thiers were made out of. If it was paper or premade charms to buy? I dont know.

I loved the idea of the mask! And I thought the bats would be great as we get closer to Halloween!

I used some plastic#6 that I salvaged from some deli containers and used that like shrinky dink (shrink plastic). I cut them out, colored them with a marker, baked, embellished, glazed, added charms and strung it on a necklace :D

I just cant get enough of recycled plastic! Its so great <3

Posted by Princess Pam-attitude from Pocatello, Idaho, United States • Published See Princess Pam-attitude 's 322 projects »


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Princess Pam-attitude
Princess Pam-attitude · Pocatello, Idaho, US · 332 projects
They were each about 6-7 inches wide before baking. They do curl up and almost look like they will be ruined, but then magically they flatten back out Happy
Supernova's Child
Supernova's Child · Lisbon, Lisbon, PT · 98 projects
Do they curl when they shrink? How big do you have to cut them?
aneniine · 58 projects
Very nice! Happy How large was the mask before shrinking?
Nomycookie^^ · 14 projects
super cute!! i love them especially the bat Happy x0x0
Sally M.
Sally M. · Orlando, Florida, US · 29 projects
they're all sooo cute!! I've been trying so hard to find deli plastic containers but they are never #6!! they are all #1 or #5 >.< I need to be a little more aggressive and find the right type. haha. <3

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