Don´t cut, reduce leg length with darts!
Darts are the perfect solution when you need to lose length from the back leg of your jeans, but none from the front. Fast, simple and hardly visible! And no cutting needed. So... If I ever wanted to open the darts up again to add length, it is possible!
I use only one dart (sewn to hem) if I need to finetune the length about 1/2 inches (3cm) from the heel, but leave the front un-touched.
jaisa.riley favorited Shortening Jeans With Darts 18 May 17:43
You Will Need
Step 12
Finished! The leg will curve to the back but it will look surprisingly straight when the jeans are worn. Isn´t it amazing where 1 1/2 inches (8cm) on extra-length just disappheared! And no cutting needed. So... If I ever wanted to open the darts up again to add length, it is possible!
I use only one dart (sewn to hem) if I need to shorten the denim 1/2 inches (3cm) from the back, but leave the front un-touched.
My pants always come too short, but most of my friends have to roll theirs up, which drives me nuts! So maybe I'll see if I can talk them into letting me try this out on their pants...