How to creat tht classic vintage look with short hair
Atomiller favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 05 Mar 23:43
Bloodyhiccup favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 20 Oct 21:41
jenny.bowman.77 added Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna to DIY the look 21 Mar 18:37
Jeff S. favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 07 Sep 06:24
HerNameIsAlixx added Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna to DIY The Look - Imelda May 18 Aug 10:59
Barjaa B. added Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna to Hairstyles 27 Jun 17:38
Taba__tina favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 02 Jan 21:37
Grimgirl101 favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 07 Nov 17:17
Hydie Linn T. favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 11 Sep 23:12
bkind2me08501 favorited Short Hair Victory Rolls With Bandanna 27 Jul 12:10
Step 1
I like to use hair pastels or alternatively *lots* of Batiste Dry Hair Shampoo to give your hair a matte texture so that you don’t have to backcomb. If using pastels, it also adds a nice element of coloured hair. You can also find a pastel that is close to your natural hair colour - I used white.
Step 2
Start with dry, clean hair
Step 3
The next step is to apply the hair pastels. Section your hair and start at the bottom, rubbing the hair pastel up and down your hair. Straighten with hot straighteners to seal the pastel pigment into your hair.
You will probably (like me) end up with pastel all over your clothes, so wear something scruffy that you don’t mind turning pink/blue/green etc.
Step 4
Now here’s where it gets tricky. Section your hair again for how you want your rolls positioned.
Step 5
Pick up your hair strand at the end with your forefinger and with your thumb begin to roll the hair up. Tuck your thumb deep in the roll and continue to roll with the index finger.
Your thumb with feel snug withing the roll. Roll until you reach the top, then slide in a hair pin/bobby pin into the victory roll to secure. Ease your thumb out of the roll carefully.
If you find it’s easier to do this process using opposite fingers, do so.
Step 6
Tuck any hair that’s spilling out into the roll. If some hairs are standing up over the roll, brush them down with your fingers.