A cheap and easy way to jazz up your shoes!
You can pretty much use anything and it can be put on any shoe, in any place! They're so much fun for shoe lovers (like me!) who can't always spend $40 on a new pair of shoes. Enjoy!
Lorrie B. added Shoe Clips to shoes 13 Apr 21:24
You Will Need

Amberlynn Reid
Kathmandu, Central Region, NP
67 projects
i guess ill have to use baby clips. Baby clips can work ! i love it!!!!

Sonia M.
Kathmandu, Central Region, NP
8 projects
i gotta try tht too
bt i dnt knw whr cn i find those shoe clips

Sonia M.
Kathmandu, Central Region, NP
8 projects
A cute little bow would look cute too
especially in a plain stilletto

Oriana F.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
38 projects
I actually did that too!