Shirt Skirt And Dress
Extract from DIY Fashion • By Selena Francis-Bryden • Published by Laurence KingAbout
Based on Shirt Skirt And Dress by Selena Francis-Bryden
I took two of my bf's dad's old shirts and made this. I made a pretty bow at the back to keep it girly! I wore this to the office( I work in an arts related industry) and everyone loved it!!
FAY F. favorited Shirt Skirt And Dress 28 Feb 16:45
cristinakilljoyway favorited Shirt Skirt And Dress 22 Mar 10:21
Pa Houa X. commented on Shirt Skirt And Dress 23 Oct 06:55
Pa Houa X. favorited Shirt Skirt And Dress 23 Oct 06:54
Emily B. favorited Shirt Skirt And Dress 25 Jun 20:45
You Will Need
Serene T. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Pa Houa X.
this is cute indeed.