Beautiful Gifts made out of recycled paper and seeds. Plant and grow!
This happens to be the last memorial card of the 300 that I made for my friends Memorial service. It was a labor of love. They are also great for wedding favors, or even just cutting out pretty flower shapes and giving to friends to plant for Earth Day, Mothers Day or May Day. Beautiful for Greeting cards.
Each piece of recycled paper is embedded with seeds.
Unfortunately, I was so lost in the process that I either forgot to take more pictures... or lost them. =(
Feel free to contact me if I can clarify anything!
Dawn M. favorited Seed/Plantable Paper! 16 Jan 22:58
Ravens Trove entered their project Seed/Plantable Paper! to Wander & Hunt 07 Nov 14:51
MunsterNCookie commented on Seed/Plantable Paper! 03 Nov 22:53
MunsterNCookie favorited Seed/Plantable Paper! 03 Nov 22:50
isobel.l favorited Seed/Plantable Paper! 08 Sep 18:26
Ravens Trove entered their project Seed/Plantable Paper! to Crop-A-Dile 25 Jul 13:56
Sheila.Shat.Pottenger added Seed/Plantable Paper! to Cool stuff my sister did! 29 May 23:00
Lauren C. favorited Seed/Plantable Paper! 21 May 16:45
Alissa B. favorited Seed/Plantable Paper! 09 May 03:20
Vera W. added Seed/Plantable Paper! to dingen 25 Apr 13:45
You Will Need
Step 1
I work in a recycle friendly environment so getting some previously used construction paper was easy.
I sorted, shredded, and chopped them by color.
Blend each color separately.
2-3 cups water to 1 cup shredded paper.
The ink will soak off and you will be left with a really pretty pulpy mess. Let it soak for a an extra 10 minutes or so to get the texture you want.
(You probably will want a used blender that will not be used for food again)
Add seeds and pulse the blender once or twice gently.... GENTLY. ;)
Step 2
Put your mesh screen in a large rectangular plastic tub. The wire should be wrapped over the TOP edge of the frame with duct tape.
Pour your pulp slowly over the mesh by the cupful in the design you want. (Keep is simple) Fill in the excess space with a second color.
*Tip, the thinner the pulp, the thinner the paper. But thicker paper doesn't blend together as much. You'll want to play a bit.
Make sure your pulp is evenly spread. this may require letting your water to get deep enough that you can "float" the pulp a bit to fill in all the spaces.
Step 3
Remove tray from water and dry with Couch paper (Amazon)and some towels on top of that to absorb moisture.
Flip over on top of Couch Paper and Towel and use Couch paper on the back of the mesh to gently start the removal process.
After a bit of daubing it should remove smoothly.
After a few times of use, you may need to put some spray vegetable oil on the mesh so it doesn't stick.