the ultimate sweet treet
I'm having a flat party on Saturday and wondered to myself what to make for party food. I decided to make some tablet for a wee treat. I've set it into a bun tin because I think it looks a lot neater and each piece is the same size. You can just smooth it out into a baking tin and score it if you don't have any bun tins.
***warning: very calorific***
Coyote added Scottish Tablet to do a food? 13 Jun 04:16
Step 3
Now the boring bit...turn the heat down low and stir for 45 minutes. (you may wish to grab a chair or another pair of hands to help with this!)
No matter how sore your hand gets don't stop stirring! There's nothing worse than the smell of burnt sugar and you can kiss goodbye to your pan if it burns.
Step 4
After 40 mins or so you should notice that the colour has changed to a nice golden honey.
I like to get a wee dollop of the mixture on a spoon and plunge it into a glass of cold water to check the consistency. If it feels gooey then I would stir for another 5 minutes and check again. (it tastes good too!)
It does make a lot (best if you're having a party or thinking of making some for a pressie), so I think if you're just making some for yourself, it's worth making only half.
Thanks for uploading....& adding extra inches on my hips!
A little cube with black coffee is AWESOME though!
DEFINITELY gonna have a go.....& probably end up making myself homesick!