an embroidered birthday card, using Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers
This was a birthday card for my boyfriend :) we both love Scott Pilgrim and had been playing the game over the summer when I was staying with him.
The game went for an old school style; think NES and SNES type graphics and music, and the characters were impossibly cute this way, so i decided to embroider them and put them into a birthday card.
The picture here is slighty unfinished. After this i planned to basically glue it into one of those cards with the little frame window but at the last minute i decided to embroider coins and stars around the 'happy birthday' (if you read the comic/saw the movie/ played the game you'd get this.)
I forgot to take another photo before i gave it to him, but i have some close-ups of Scott and Ramona.
The colours are obviously changeable clothes-wise, same with Ramona's hair and if you felt adventurous switching Scott into all black/white/greys would give you the 'Nega-Scott'.
In the end, my bf loved it and it's on display in his room now :)
Enjoy my little friends.
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