The pattern makes a VERY long scarf. It is perfect for looping around your neck several times for a very cowl-like look.
To shorten the scarf, please see pattern notes.
- 112264_2F2015-11-30-154345-ScarfOfManyColors.pdf 515 KB [ Download ]
Kimya J. favorited Scarf Of Many Colors 27 Feb 01:11
Sofia favorited Scarf Of Many Colors 12 Mar 14:46
pattiriley1971 favorited Scarf Of Many Colors 18 Jan 09:14
Pamela F. favorited Scarf Of Many Colors 16 Dec 23:39
Sand And Sky Creations published her project Scarf Of Many Colors 16 Dec 09:00
Step 1
CO 300 sts with 6.5mm circular needle.
Work 3 rows in garter stitch.
Rows 1 - 2: Break yarn and join a new color of yarn. Work 2 rows in garter stitch
Rows 3 - 5: Break yarn and join a new color of yarn. Work 3 rows in garter stitch
Repeat rows 1 – 5 until your piece measures 4`` from CO edge or until you reach your
desired scarf width.
Using an 8.0mm straight needle BO stitches loosely.
You can either sew in ends or add fringe to your scarf. -
Step 2
To add fringe, cut several lengths of each color approximately 10” in length. Fold
yarn in half so the loop is at the top. Insert crochet hook into the bottom of the scarf,
grab the loop of the folded yarn and pull through to the other side of the scarf.
Remove the crochet hook and bring the ends of the fringe through the loop. Pull the
ends to secure the fringe. Trim ends to make them even.