Savory Pumpkin Pizza
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amyistheparty added Savory Pumpkin Pizza to Autumn Housewarming 26 Apr 21:59
You Will Need
Step 1
Preheat the oven to 350 F. For those that have a pizza stone, put the stone in the oven to warm. While the oven is heating, heat the stove on medium low heat and cook half of the onions with olive oil. You'll want to cook them on low heat for...a while. I call it caramelizing them...but they don't really caramelize. i'm not patient enough...so i just cook them until they are soft, smell fantastic, and are relatively translucent. When they are about halfway cooked, sprinkle 1 tsp. sugar on them. As they cook, continue to stir and move them around with a spatula.
Step 2
Next, add the pumpkin puree, garlic, shallot, thyme, and the other half of the onion to a mixing bowl. Mix in the parmesan cheese. Salt and pepper to taste.
Finally, follow the directions on the package for preparing the dough. Once your dough is flat and circular, transfer it to your pizza stone and top it with the pumpkin mixture. Add the arugula, and then add the grated havarti cheese. You can add a dash of salt and pepper here, too, if you would like.
Step 3
The directions on the pizza dough package will instruct you to cook it anywhere from 10-12 minutes, but personally, I like to cook mine for 20-25 minutes.