There they are and there they'll stay!
After um-ing and ahh-ing about making my own ruby slippers for quite some time, I took the plunge after seeing these lovely replicas:
So I promptly went out and bought the shoes (black leather pumps, I wasn't going for exact replicas but I did want the thick heel), 10 metres of sequins and a bottle of fabric/leather glue.
However, once I finished one shoe and the heel of the other, I found that 10 metres was NOT enough!!
So I had to go all the way back to the shop and get 7 more metres - It didn't help that the shops with the cheapest sequins didn't have red Sad
All in all, they took me about 3 days but only about 2-3 hours each day.
On to the pictures!!
Shawntay A. favorited Ruby Slippers 08 Jan 06:53
piefacetoldmeso favorited Ruby Slippers 26 Feb 02:26
You Will Need
Kate Louise posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!