Ruby Slippers DIY Project #5
Chudames favorited Ruby Slippers 26 Jan 20:30
Zombie Babe favorited Ruby Slippers 04 Aug 08:34
You Will Need
Step 2
I bought them in local discount craft store 25 cents each. They are 3" long.
I've used Spray Paint by Krylon in Red Pepper Color. I didn't do any prep work - no sanding, no primer, nothing. It worked well... If you are using any other paint and you don't want to mess up the final result, you should try it first.After paint had been dry, it took 1 hour, just because in some areas I sprayed too much :)
Step 3
I covered the outside of the shoe with Martha Stewart Glittering Glue (leftover from X-mas crafts). Note: The glue is great, the applicator that comes with it awful - I am always using my own brush - it will save you your time and product.
You can use any other craft glue, I am sure it will work just fine. I am not spending any $$$ I am using what I have, do the same if you can - it's more fun.
While the glue is fresh it's time to glitter. I have used, again Martha's Garnet Glitter, but you are free to use whatever glitter you have (I've experimented with different glitters from different companies but it seems that Martha knows a . Shake any access off and let you Ruby Slippers dry.
Now, you are ready to follow the Yellow Brick Road.
id love to have a new pair just to wear out on the town, lol! ;)