Shelf 1844489272.01.lzzzzzzz

Rose Windows Bag

Extract from Patchwork Bags • By Cecilia Hanselmann • Published by Search Press


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Patchwork Bags
Large holdall  Size: approximately 45 x 46cm (17¾ x 18in)  Level of difficulty

Cotton fabric, about 110cm (44in) wide:
A: 10cm (4in) rose fabric with 
 blue background
B: 10cm (4in) rose fabric with 
 red background
C: 10 x 55cm (4 x 21½in) fabric with 
 small roses
D: 10 x 55cm (4 x 21½in) fabric with 
 large roses
E: 50cm (20in) blue fabric for the sides 
 and borders
F: 40cm (16in) red fabric for borders 
 and binding
G: 70cm (27½in) coordinating fabric 
 for lining

Wadding and interfacing:
35 x 90cm (13¾ x 35½in) lightweight 
 fusible wadding
100 x 90cm (39½ x 35½in) heavyweight 
 fusible wadding
10 x 48cm (4 x 19in) lightweight fusible 
 pelmet interfacing

Additional items:
pair of blue leather bag handles 70cm 
(27½in) long
straight patchwork ruler, rotary cutter and 
self-healing cutting mat

Fabrics A–D are cut into 9cm 
(3½in) squares. You need 24 squares in all so you could use a charm pack of coordinated fabrics for these, cutting the 12.5cm (5in) squares down to size.

utting out
The following measurements include a 0.75cm (¼in) seam allowance.
Fabric A:
10 squares 9 x 9cm (3½ x 3½in)

Fabric B:
6 squares 9 x 9cm (3½ x 3½in)

Fabric C:
4 squares 9 x 9cm (3½ x 3½in)

Fabric D:
4 squares 9 x 9cm (3½ x 3½in)

Fabric E:
10 strips 3.5 x 110cm (13/8 x 43½in) for borders
2 strips 12 x 42cm (4¾ x 16½in) for the bag sides

Fabric F:
4 strips 4.5 x 50cm (1¾ x 19¾in)
4 strips 4.5 x 42cm (1¾ x 16½in)
18 strips 4.5 x 15cm (1¾ x 6in)
1 strip 4 x 135cm (1½ x 53in), joining pieces as necessary to make up the length
4 strips 3.5 x 25cm (13/8 x 10in) for the ties

Fabric G:
2 rectangles 42 x 48cm (16½ x 19in) for the front/back lining
2 strips 12 x 42cm (4¾ x 16½in) for the side lining
2 strips 12 x 48cm (4¾ x 19in) for the base and base lining

Lightweight fusible wadding:
18 strips 4.5 x 15cm (1¾ x 6in)
4 strips 4.5 x 42cm (1¾ x 16½in)
1 strip 4 x 90cm (1½ x 35½in)
1 strip 4 x 45cm (1½ x 17¾in)

Posted by Search Press Published See Search Press's 272 projects » © 2025 Cecilia Hanselmann / Search Press · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    Fold each of the four tie strips (fabric F) lengthways, right sides together, and sew together along the long open edge. Turn the strips out, tuck in the seam allowance at one end and sew up the opening by hand.

  • Step 2

    Fuse a corresponding strip of wadding to the wrong side of each of the 4.5 x 42cm (1¾ x 16½in) and 4.5 x 15cm (1¾ x 6in) strips of fabric F. Fold the strips lengthways, wrong sides together, but do not iron. Place the patchwork ruler on top of each strip so that the 1.5cm (5/8in) mark is lying on the fold. Trim the folded strips to 1.5cm (5/8in) wide using the rotary cutter and cutting mat.

  • Step 3

    Sew a 3.5cm (13/8in) strip from fabric E to the top and bottom and then to the left and right of each floral square, trimming the strip to length after attaching it to each side.

  • Step 4

    Lay out the 24 squares to make two blocks of 3 x 4 squares. Sew the squares together in rows, placing a short folded F strip between each pair so it is caught in the seam. Now join the rows with a 4.5 x 50cm (1¾ x 19¾in) strip of fabric F between the rows (see the photograph). Trim the long strips to fit as necessary then fuse heavyweight wadding to the back of each patchwork panel and trim to fit. Quilt both panels by stitching in the ditch (sewing along the seam lines).

  • Step 5

    Cut and fuse heavyweight wadding to the 12 x 42cm (4¾ x 16½in) bag sides (fabric E). Back one 12 x 48cm (4¾ x 19in) rectangle of fabric G first with the pelmet interfacing and then with heavyweight fusible wadding. This will be the base.

  • Step 6

    Lay out each patchwork panel, right side up. Pin a long folded F strip to each side edge, matching the raw edges. Pin a tie 7cm (2¾in) from the top of each side edge, matching the unfinished end to the edge of the patchwork. Tack the layers. Now stitch the patchwork panels to the sides and base, beginning and ending the stitching 0.75cm (¼in) away from the edges (Y-seams).

  • Step 7

    Stitch the front, back, sides and base together for the lining, leaving a gap in one of the base seams for turning out.

  • Step 8

    Fuse the 4cm (1½) lightweight wadding strips to the wrong side of long F strip, but leaving 1cm (3/8in) of fabric extending beyond the wadding at one end. Fold the extending fabric over the wadding and press to neaten the end. Fold the strip lengthways, wrong sides together, and pin to the top edge of the bag, matching the raw edges. Trim the strip so that the unfinished end of the strip extends 2–3cm (¾–1¼in) over the neatened end then tuck it into the neatened end of the strip. Tack the strip in place.

  • Step 9

    Place the bag inside the lining, right sides together, with raw edges and seams matching, and sew around the top edge (where the strip is tacked in place). Turn the bag out through the opening in the lining and close up the opening with small hand stitches. Arrange the lining in the bag, so that the red F strip is even around the top. To prevent the lining from slipping, topstitch the edge of the bag around the F strip, sewing through all layers. Sew on the bag handles by hand.

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