I loooooove the look of these (way better then in pictures) they are my way of doing that funky boutiques ruffle rose pillows.. Trust Me its almost imposible to find a way to make them! this was my closest way :)
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to make the shabby rose look then just sew the rose onto a plain (i used black) round pillow. I made my own throw pillows Just cut out two circles then a long rectale strip thats about 1.5" longer then the circles in diameter. then sewed it all together to make a spere shaped pillow.(make it as wide/tall as you disire.. mine were about 4")... sorry if that quick how to didnt make any sense
Rabia T. added Rose Throw Pillows to Cushion 19 Jun 18:17
Alezita G. favorited Rose Throw Pillows 22 Jan 06:50
Hayley J. posted this project as a creation without steps
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