A qudditch player always needs a uniform :)
When I have seen the 6th movie in cimema I wanted to make this new Quidditch Version and Ron ... so I have thought long how to make it ...
The how to is showing you how I made the letters on the hoodie. I used a special foil called "Flexfolie" in German, maybe you have got the perfect English name for it.
The photos had been taken by Yukimura, Xy-pon and Zhenya and I am allowed to publish them. They were taken in the new town hall in Hanover Germany.
I also have made the Quaffle
Ichigo M. added Ron Weasley Quidditch Cosplay to Harry Potter 04 Mar 02:48
Ichigo M. favorited Ron Weasley Quidditch Cosplay 03 Sep 19:10
and beautiful town hall! hehe