Roll a six to start!
A Dice Ring!!!
I was thinking of putting jewels on each of the dots on the side facing up. Bu it looks nice like this this anyway..
ModernXDayXVaudevillian added Roll A Six Dice Ring to To-make list 03 Sep 07:56
ModernXDayXVaudevillian favorited Roll A Six Dice Ring 03 Sep 07:56
dewi.krabsalade favorited Roll A Six Dice Ring 08 May 18:13
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Georgia posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Charles Lee Ray
18 projects
Did you just glue the die to the ring? If not, what did you do?

Beba M.
Jeddah, Makkah Province, SA
Wonderful, I'm waiting for update Thanks