write down all your adventures
I'm really happy about how this turned out, it's definitely the best notebook ever! I hope you try it, it isn't difficult at all and I would love to see a version of the project ^^
As always, if you don't understand something tell me, I don't trust my english yet.
Tierra T. favorited River Song's Diary 07 Nov 22:34
Penny F. added River Song's Diary to TO MAKE! 30 Aug 01:50
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Dona Monstra favorited River Song's Diary 06 Jan 03:57
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You Will Need
Step 1
Start by making the desing in a piece of paper. It depends on the size of your notebook, so I can't tell you the exact measurements. Just take your time, this is maybe the most difficult part of the project!
Then you have to cut the desing into the foam. Ok, the photo is from when I cutted it wrong, and I had already glued it. it took me ages to remove it all!
Step 2
Now is time for painting it. Which colour? blue of course! Try to paint it a little bit messy, like leaving the strokes of the brush, It has to look a bit wore down.
When th paint is still a bit wet add a darker blue colour in the spaces between the foam. Again, be messy, try to mix both colours, and it doesn't have to look even.