Based on Ribbon Card Holder by Cheekymagpie
I had struggled with storing my ribbon stash and occasionally embroidery floss. I had seen ways to make "bobbins" like what CheekyMagpie did but seemed to lack to time to make, "experiment"/ research ways to improve on this, even went so far as to use toilet paper rolls I would hole punch or try to make work.
Recently I learned stacking and layering paper works well for these things.
However I used a bunch of note cards I hot glued toghter, trimmed to be like the template CheekyMagpie had posted but I went a step further and punched a hole in the top of the card stacks to thread the ribbon through and keep the ribbon wrapped up.
Kin Dragon published her project Ribbon Card Holder 30 Sep 15:51
You Will Need
Kin Dragon posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!