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Rib Eye Pho

Extract from Magic Soup • By Nicole Pisani and Kate Adams • Published by Orion Books


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Magic Soup
Vietnamese is such a delicious cuisine, and very healthy too. This
recipe is a bit of luxury, but we all deserve that! When cooking the
steak, you need to be confident with the heat when you sear it, and
then let it rest properly. That way, you can have melt-in-the-mouth
rare beef with no blood. It’s a treat, but a worthy one.

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© 2025 Nicole Pisani / Orion Books · Reproduced with permission. · MAGIC SOUP by Nicole Pisani & Kate Adams is published in hardback by Orion in February 2015, priced £18.99; eBook £9.99
  • Step 1

    To prepare the steak, season it well with salt on both sides.
    Heat a ridged griddle pan until very hot and sear the steak for
    approximately 4 minutes on each side. The trick is to see when it
    begins to sweat; that’s your cue to flip it over. Once the steak has
    seared, add a knob of butter to the pan and take it off the heat.
    Spoon the butter over the steak and allow it to rest while you
    prepare the rest of the pho.

  • Step 2

    Heat the chicken stock with the star anise, cinnamon, lemongrass
    and ginger. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer and
    cook gently for 20 minutes or so. Remove the whole spices from
    the stock and add the fish sauce. Add the pak choi and simmer for
    2 minutes in the stock.

  • Step 3

    Slice the steak into thin strips. Divide among the serving bowls,
    then add the pak choi and tat soi. Ladle over the hot stock
    and scatter with the chilli, spring onions, lime basil leaves and
    beansprouts. Serve with lime wedges to squeeze over.

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