Actually made this for my bf...
Because he walks around wearing medium weight clothing when it's well below freezing. If this ends up joining his barely-worn jacket, sweaters, and hat at the back of his closet then I'll simply wear it myself...
The top half has a different pattern than the bottom half, and the whole thing is oversized so it can be pulled up around your head, folded over, or otherwise scrunched cozily around your neck. As you can see from the photos...
I have no idea what type of yarn it is, as it came in a $5 mill-ends bag of unmarked goodies. I'm guessing some type of acrylic, but the color was a nice beige. I used needles that were a little small for the yarn, since I used double knitting to create the body, and double knitting causes the stitches to be a bit looser.
It was pretty easy to make, just time-consuming. I'm totally guessing on the amount of time, as it was completed over a year's span and I would only work on it a few rows at a time.
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Unisex Reversible Cowl 02 Mar 15:25
VillainousNinja published their project Unisex Reversible Cowl 19 Jul 09:48
VillainousNinja posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!