An adorable recycled sponge makes the perfect headband<3
When I was cleaning the bathroom, I found this sponge that was literally falling apart. It was new, so I just kept pulling until it came completely apart. It looked really pretty, and decided to do something with it.
Angie H. favorited Recycled Bath Sponge Headband 06 Apr 04:31
faith m. added Recycled Bath Sponge Headband to HEADBANDS 14 Feb 04:17
Hikikomori H. favorited Recycled Bath Sponge Headband 25 Jan 05:20
Mimi A. favorited Recycled Bath Sponge Headband 11 Jan 16:06
Sewa E. added Recycled Bath Sponge Headband to Cute things to make for back-to-school 03 Jan 18:49
Cassandra C. favorited Recycled Bath Sponge Headband 11 Nov 23:18
erin g. favorited Recycled Bath Sponge Headband 24 Oct 01:18
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Gabby S.
London, GB
13 projects
I'm the same way Vicky
Now I know what to do, and my three old wants more headbands!

Colchester, England, GB
55 projects
Love it!! I always have a hard time throwing the sponges out, so this is utterly perfect! Thank you!!

Gabby S.
London, GB
13 projects
thanx mickey;)i made it for Madi she luved it!

Mickey M.
1 project
lol LOVE ur nails in this one!