Fluffy pom poms with a "secret" tool
If your pom poms look more like miniature mops, than fluffly little balls, then you are in need of the "secret" tool that changes everything in pom pom making. Don't worry, you most probably have it already!
- Key West Witch favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 05 May 09:42
- JoAnna D. favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 05 Nov 16:16
- ZombieUnicorn favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 14 Jan 22:15
- Aleka C. favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 16 Apr 19:07
- Chudames favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 06 Apr 21:24
- Alissa B. favorited Really Fluffy Pom Poms 05 Apr 16:35
- Dimitra D. published their project Really Fluffy Pom Poms 05 Apr 06:00
You Will Need
Step 2
Cut two identical disks from cardstock with a round opening at their center.
Cut several meters of yarn (not the whole length you are going to need for the pom pom, because it will become all tangled up when passing it through the center hole).
Tie a secure knot at any point, securing the two disks together.