basic darkroom
a simple darkroom photograph
(hey guys thanks for telling me I mixed up the steps, I never noticed my error)
and yes, it does go by many names I use rayograph because thats what we called them in design school.
rayograph was named after Man Ray, the dada artist who did alot of them.
You Will Need
Step 1
This is a easy project to do(if you have a darkroom, with an enlarger and solution bath)
you take a sheet of photopaper, lay it on the enlarger.
You take the item you wish to xray(I used old film)
and you expose the image for 5 seconds.
You then take the sheet and place it in the developer solution(about 5 min), then the stop bath. then the fixer.
Hang to dry.
(sorry guys I did mix it up a bit, thanks for informing me.)
try being a little positive once in a while! it's a good project
And yeah, developer 4 mins, stop 2 mins, fixer 3 mins, wash bath for 10 mins.
I think it all depends on the brand and the concentration of the solution.