Show your house spirit!
Ravenclaw tshirts are hard to come by, and usually expensive. So when I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour this month (OMG SO GOOD!) I made my own :)
Ievars favorited Ravenclaw Tshirt 22 Oct 21:37
srslyjc favorited Ravenclaw Tshirt 19 Jul 20:54
ofenjen favorited Ravenclaw Tshirt 02 Jul 16:53
Tamsin M. favorited Ravenclaw Tshirt 15 Aug 07:09
CraftyCat favorited Ravenclaw Tshirt 12 Aug 22:12
zoegirl221 added Ravenclaw Tshirt to Clothes 10 Aug 09:04
Jen S. added Ravenclaw Tshirt to Clothes 30 Jul 21:31
Caaryn S. added Ravenclaw Tshirt to Harry Potter 10 Mar 07:35
Ichigo M. added Ravenclaw Tshirt to Harry Potter 04 Mar 03:07
Shelby W. added Ravenclaw Tshirt to Shirts 28 Jan 17:54
You Will Need
Step 1
Firstly, make your stencil. Any house crest will work. All the houses, plus a few more Harry Potter related things can be found here:
(scroll down a bit to the links) -
Step 2
Put your cardboard inside your tshirt so that no bleach accidentally bleeds through (I used an old cereal box).
Step 3
Bleach through the stencil using a cotton bud (more control than a paint brush, also no melting - synthetic fibres are not good in bleach). Mine didn't develop clearly because I loaded the bud with too much bleach and it bled, but I'm outlining it so that's ok. Hand wash the top to remove any left over bleach and leave to dry.