Yummy smelling.
Great for those relaxing candle-lighted bubble baths.
02jhseaby added Raspberry And Wild Rose Scrub to cosmetics 08 Jun 17:05
02jhseaby favorited Raspberry And Wild Rose Scrub 08 Jun 17:05
Anett E. favorited Raspberry And Wild Rose Scrub 15 May 17:01
queen s. favorited Raspberry And Wild Rose Scrub 15 Sep 11:25
Ravenna182 favorited Raspberry And Wild Rose Scrub 08 Jul 06:13
Step 1
Open your raspberry tea bags and put the content into a jar.
Step 2
Add 5 tea spoons of sea salt and petals.
Step 3
Add soap and stir well-leave for 3 hours to let the soap get raspberry coloured-voila!

Becks S.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
36 projects
sounds like it smells heavenly!