Save those ideas for a rainy day.
Ok so not really a board! This was inspired by a pattern at mochimochiland.com. I made up my own pattern which I feel so bad about! However I did buy another pattern from there. So I didn't think it was right to share the pattern but there's a few hints.
Here is a <a href="http://mochimochiland.com/weblog/category/tutorials/">mattress stitch and yarn eyes tutorial</a> if you need some tips.
A big thank you to Anna at Mochimochi Land (who didn't mind me doing this!).
sae.esaka favorited Raincloud Noticeboard 26 Nov 15:02
You Will Need
Step 3
Sew eyes onto the remaining six raindrop peices using embroidery thread, I used french knots to create the eyes.
Step 6
Sew along the cloud and thread the raindrops through the back of the cloud and knot one at a time.
Step 7
Thread yarn out the back and then back in again and knot to create a loop at the top.
Continue to sew up the cloud peices until done :)