don't EAT them! >_<
Looking for a bracelet that suits you? Why not making one by yourself? This is a cool bracelet made of macaronies! Isn't that awesome? So here are the steps to tell you how to make this beautiful bracelet!
Cindy H. favorited Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) 16 Nov 14:38
Jessica S. added Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) to Beading 19 Jan 08:08
linootz z. added Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) to ideas 14 Dec 13:19
Syeyon K. favorited Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) 25 Oct 05:37
Syeyon K. commented on Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) 22 Sep 04:23
Kassiopia favorited Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) 10 Sep 08:25
natalia s. favorited Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) 08 Aug 07:33
Kasey T. entered her project Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) to Musical Timeline 08 Feb 12:28
Kasey T. entered her project Rainbow Macaroni Bracelet:)) to The Ticket Kitchen 07 Feb 11:12
Step 3
When they're all painted, let dry and bead them. This is important, so read carefully, you'll need to bead two bracelets, in 2 different rolls(2 same number of macaronis).(They are not connected) and the two sides must be about 5cm! like this:
5cm >> ---ooooooooooo--- << 5cm
5cm >> ---ooooooooooo--- << 5cmremember to bead them like a zig zag /)/)/)/)/).
thanks for posting...