A birthday present for my Aunt ... see below for an explanation.
The design is a custom pattern I commissioned (Thanks to bombastitch on Etsy), and it's related to a story that happened on vacation.
My aunt overheard two old women swapping stories and for every story the first lady had the second old lady had one to top it. Eventually old lady #1 got annoyed by this and after old lady #2 told yet another story topper old lady #1 said, "Well, go paint a rainbow!" Her annoyance was made clear by her tone.
- Kate S. favorited Rainbow Cross Stitch 24 Nov 16:55
- Marci F. favorited Rainbow Cross Stitch 02 Mar 14:52
- Belle favorited Rainbow Cross Stitch 09 Sep 00:21
- Jaybird favorited Rainbow Cross Stitch 29 Jul 20:46
Nicole posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
i really like this - ive got a really old jacket that would look cool if i embroidered something like this on the back, might give it a try (that is, if you dont mind my using it? o.o)