Crochet Rainbow Scarf
I made this pattern up myself, the scarf is long rows of double crochet. I will have to turn the clouds into a how to later. I think it needs pictures.
I made one of these for my niece, then made a few more after some friends saw them on my Facebook page. It felt really good to have someone like my stuff enough that they'd want to have me make more.
axelstyle added Rainbow & Cloud Scarf to Crochet Projects 13 Jun 18:44
Shirls favorited Rainbow & Cloud Scarf 21 Jun 16:28
You Will Need
moxiepurple posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Charles Lee Ray
18 projects
make a how-to for the clouds please! I really want to learn!

Brigette Y.
Such a cute idea! can't wait till winter...

7 projects
THAT IS SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! would love a how to!

Kathi N.
Wellington, Wellington, NZ
6 projects
That is FAB! nice idea. I know what my sister is getting for xmas now...

fabiola l.
i love the scarf !

Houston, Texas, US
41 projects
Thank you!

Mexico City, Federal District, MX
4 projects
what a super pretty scarf, i love it!!!

Houston, Texas, US
41 projects
They are my friend's children wearing them in the other photos.

4 projects
AWSOME! but who's wearing it on the other photos?

Houston, Texas, US
41 projects
Glad you guys like them! They were fun and fast to make.