Shaped and painted nails with fimo!
This is actually relatively easy to do. All I did was clip a semi circle out of the tip and sand it into shape.
I then painted over with a shiny blue. The blue was thin, so it needed a good couple coats. I then placed striping tape across the tips and painted over with a somewhat shiny, deep purple.
Plucked the tape off and let it dry before adding thin slices of flower fimo. I had to do the whole "dab a drop of topcoat-wait for tackiness then apply" thing, and gently press down on the slices to keep them from warping. It happens with the top coat. I like cutting my own, thicker slices. But the thin slices are very fun too!
I would rather embed them into acrylic or gel nails though. They have a look when done that way. Maybe one day I can do sculpted nails. I've always wanted to do it!
MunkieJunkie89 favorited Purple And Blue Flower Nails 24 Sep 04:22
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CiiMoore posted this project as a creation without steps
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As for these nails, (and most of my other styles) they are actually going to be earrings. I wouldn't expect daily wear of these nails, maybe for special occasions/events. Or just fancy/neato photo shoots.
I am aware that people will brick me for the not so practical use style...but I'm not really making these to wear on a daily practical basis. Unless some one wants earrings...
I use regular nail glue, but most nail glues tend to wear down after a short while, regardless of fancy nails or not. It has to do with the oils on your nails. I have worn many of my temp nails for events, without issue or loosing them, and haven't snagged them.
I really would like to know if they're worth trying out