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45 mins

Homemade Vegan Cheese, Yoghurt and Milk
Like nuts, pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein and unsaturated fats, including omega-3. They also contain iron, selenium, calcium, B vitamins and beta-carotene. So this cheese is a powerhouse of nutrients.

Makes about 350 g

Posted by Grub Street Publishing Published See Grub Street Publishing's 46 projects »

© 2025 Yvonne Holzl-Singh / Grub Street Publishing · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    Soak the pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts overnight in water.

  • Step 2

    The next day pour off the water, rinse and drain.

  • Step 3

    Then put the nuts and seeds with the remaining ingredients in a blender and mix until you have a fine, creamy mixture. Stop the blender several times throughout the process and scrape the mixture down towards the blade. The quantity of rejuvelac required depends greatly on the blender used and the time spent soaking. You need to achieve a smooth, soft mixture.

    Put the cheese in a glass or ceramic bowl, cover with a plate and allow to ferment for around twenty-four hours at room temperature. The longer it ferments, the stronger it will taste. In contrast to the other cheeses, do not leave this cheese to ferment for longer than twenty-four hours, particularly in the summer. The oil can cause it to go off!

  • Step 4

    The cheese can be kept in the refrigerator for about five days.

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