i love this project its fun if u want to create your own stamps but i think the tree is prity cool!
try makin it
~beatr!ce~ :P <3
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Printed Tree Necklace 25 Jul 21:45
zoegirl221 favorited Printed Tree Necklace 21 Sep 21:16
You Will Need
Step 1
take your ruber flaten it (if its not already) and cut it (if its not) in a oval.cut a small hole in the top or two on the side if you want to make it into a necklace
Step 2
now take the other rubber material (eraser like) and cut that into the exact same size as your oval.
Step 3
draw on the eraser material a tree i used a pic from the internet when you have traced it carve out everything except your drawing u formed your stamp
Step 4
use your blue paint dosent really matter what color and paint the stamp u made if you want it to last use water proof paint
Step 5
print it down on your rubber oval
Step 6
when it drys cover the painted side with clear glue and water
Step 7
let it dry and attach the string through the holes u have your necklace good luck!!!